Waterloo Autumn HST 2024

This tournament will be open to all students in grades 7-12, and will be an informative, fun and competitive experience!
The tournament registration fee will be $170 per team, and we have a N/3 judging policy. Registration will be open until October 6. We will have a larger than normal team cap of 20 teams per institution! The Waterloo Autumn HST 2024 will have a cap of 120 teams with five preliminary rounds followed by quarterfinals and junior semifinals. All rounds will be judged by university level debaters. 

You can find our tournament’s invitation here, and you can find our Facebook page here. You can find our registration forms, first the institutional registration form and then the independent teams registration form here. We will post more updates before the tournament on Facebook. 

BP Debate Workshop

An online workshop to introduce debaters to the British Parliamentary (BP) style of debate will be held on Thursday, October 12th, from 6:30pm to around 8:30pm. This workshop will be hosted by Michael Muir – TFS debate coach – and is aimed at novice debaters or intermediate debaters who feel they need a refresher on the BP style. This event is in preparation for the BP Provincial Championships to be held at TFS on Saturday, October 28th. I have added a pdf copy of the presentation Slidedeck that will be used during the session. There are links in this document to sample rounds of BP debate (through YouTube) and some links to other documents that may be helpful.
Presentation Notes (pdf)
Zoom Link HERE
Zoom Meeting ID: 981 9221 2590
Passcode: 641487